Federal Public Service Commission FPSC Jobs November 2023

Federal Public Service Commission FPSC Jobs November 2023

The Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) in Pakistan is a constitutional body responsible for recruiting civil servants and bureaucrats for the federal government of Pakistan. It was established under the Article 242 of the Constitution of Pakistan in 1973.

The FPSC conducts competitive examinations and interviews for recruitment to various civil services, federal government departments, and posts. The commission ensures that the recruitment process is fair, transparent, and based on merit.

CONSOLIDATED ADVERTISEMENT NO.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  13/2023 AND


NOTE: โ€“ (i) Consolidated Advertisement No. 11/2023 consisting Case No. F.4-218/2023-R, F.4- 219/2023-R & F.4-220/2023-R in respect of vacancies of PIMS, stands cancelled due to malfunction of IT application database. Therefore all such cases /vacancies are being re-advertised with partially revised conditions as intimated by M/o National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination. Accordingly, the intending candidates may apply online upto 4th December, 2023 for following vacancies. All applicants of Consolidated Advertisement No. 11/2023 are also advised to apply afresh. However, fee already paid against the above said cases will be accepted by FPSC on production of original Treasury Receipt to FPSC staff at the time of conduct of exam.

(ii) Please visit FPSCโ€™s Website for details mentioned in the General Instructions to the candidates.

232. Case No.F.4-232/2023-R (13/2023). ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (BSโ€“19), TEMPORARY, LIKELY TO BECOME PERMANENT, PAKISTAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (PIMS), ISLAMABAD, MINISTRY OF NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES, REGULATIONS AND COORDINATION. MINIMUMย  QUALIFICATION: (i) MBBS or equivalent Medical qualification recognized by PMDC. OR M.Sc. of a recognized University in case of basic Science in the relevant subject. (for Non-Medical graduates). (ii) D.Sc., Ph.D., FCPS, MD, M.S., M.Phil. etc. in the respective subjects. FCPS/ MD with DPH (for Public Health Institutions only). OR equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC. POST QUALIFICATION EXPERIENCE:ย  Five years teaching experience as an Assistant Professor in the respective subject in the postgraduate institute only. OR Eight years teaching experience as Assistant Professor in undergraduate Medical Institution. RESEARCH:ย  Must have produced at least three research papers. OR Must have produced at least five research papers if teaching experience is in undergraduate Institution. NOTE: โ€“ (i) .For all Basic Science subjects a non-medical is eligible provided a medical graduate with requisite qualification is not available. (ii) For appointment as Associate Professor candidates possessing a D.Sc. / Ph.D. Degree the thesis or major subject should be related to the subject in which they are appointed/ promoted. (iii) Candidates without a Basic Medical qualification are eligible for appointment as Associate Professor provided they possess at least D.Sc. / Ph.D. Degree and provided a medical graduate with the requisite qualification is not available. MAXIMUM AGE: 48 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. ย NUMBER OF VACANCIES=NINE (9). DOMICILE/QUOTA: Punjab (Open Merit) =Three, Sindh (Rural) (Open Merit) =Three, Sindh (Urban) (Open Merit) One and Balochistan (Open Merit) =Two. PLACE OF POSTING: Islamabad.

Categories are as follows:-

Sr. No.CategoriesNoย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  of VacanciesRespectiveย ย ย ย ย  Subjects/ย ย ย ย ย  Specialtiesย ย ย ย ย  ofย ย ย  Postย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Graduate Qualifications
BClinical Hematology01Clinical Hematology
CNephrology01 ย 01Nephrology Obstetrics & Gynecology / Gynae
DObstetrics & Gynecology
EPathology01Hematology/ Histopathology/ Pathology/ Micro Biology
HRadiology01Diagnostic Radiology/ Radiology/ Interventional Radiology
ย General Medicine01Medicine/ Internal Medicine

NOTE: โ€“ (i) In addition, any other equivalent qualification in relevant speciality recognized by PMDC. (ii) Candidates must clearly indicate in their application form the category (A) to (I) for which they apply. Separate online application and separate fee be paid for each category.

233. Case No.F.4-233/2023-R (13/2023) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (BS-18), TEMPORARY. LIKELY TO BECOME PERMANENT,PAKISTAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (DIMS), ISLAMABAD, MINISTRY OF N_ilaIONAL HEALTH SERVICES REGULATIONS & COORDINATION. MINIMUMย  QUALIFICATION: (i) MBBS or equivalent Medical qualification recognized by PMDC. OR M.Sc. of a recognized University in case of Basic Science in the relevant subject. (for non-Medical graduates). POST GRADUATE QUALIFICATIONS: (i) D.Sc., Ph.D., FCPS, MD, M.S., M.Phil etc. in the respective subjects. (ii) FCPS/ MD with DPH (for Public Health Institution only). OR equivalent qualification recognized by PMDC. (iii) Qualification should be in the respective speciality and not the- general qualification. (iv) For all Basic Science subjects, a non-medical graduate is eligible provided a Medical Graduate with requisite qualification is not available. (v) Candidates possessing D.Sc. / Ph.D., Degree the thesis or major subjects/ courses should be related to the subject in which they are applying. (vi) Candidates without a basic medical qualification are eligible for appointment as Assistant Professor Provided they possess at least D.Sc. / Ph.D., Degrees and provided a medical graduate with the requisite qualification is not available. EXPERIENCE: (i) Five years teaching or practical experience before or after the postgraduate qualification in the relevant subject for the holders of higher postgraduate qualification like FCPS etc. in order of preference as: 1ST PREFERENCE: Teaching experience. 2ND PREFERENCE: Practical experience after postgraduate qualification. 3110 PREFERENCE: Practical experience before postgraduate qualification. (ii) Credit shall be given to the original published research work in Standard Medical Journal. MAXIMUM AGE: 40 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. NUMBER OF VACANCIESโ€”FORTY SIX (46). ย DOMICILE/QUOTA: Punjabโ€“Eighteen (Open Merit=Twelve, Women quotaโ€”Four & Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota=Two), Sindh (Rural) =Eleven (Open Merit=Nine, Women quota=One & Minorities/ Non-Muslims quotaโ€”One), Sindh (Urban)=Six (Open Meritโ€”Five & Women quotaโ€”One), Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Four (Open Merit=Three & Women quota=One), Balochistan =Four (Open Merit=Three & Women quotaโ€”One), Ex-FATA (Open Merit)=One, GB (Open Merit)=One and AJK (Open Merit)=One. PLACE OF POSTING: Islamabad.

Categories are as follows:-

Sr. No.CategoriesNo.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  of VacanciesRespectiveย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Subjects/ย ย ย ย  Specialtiesย ย ย ย ย  of Postย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Graduate Qualifications Anesthesia
BCardiology ย Critical care Medicine01 01Cardiology / Interventional Cardiologyย  Critical Care Medicine
DDental Surgery02Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/ Paeds Dentistry/ Operative Dentistry
EEmergency Medicine02Emergency Medicine
GGastroenterology ย General Medicine01 04*Gastroenterology ย Medicine/ Internal Medicine
1General Surgery04General Surgery/ Surgery
MNeurosurgery01 ย 04Neurosurgery Obstetrics & Gynecology/ Gynae
NObstetrics & Gynecology
ย Oncology01Oncology
QOrthopedic03Orthopedic/ Orthopedic Surgery
RPaeds Medicine (PM&R)01Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
SPaeds Oncology01Paeds Oncology/ Paediatric Hematology Oncology
TPaeds Surgery02Paediatric Surgery/ Paeds Surgery
UPlastic Surgery01Plastic Surgery
VPulmonology Radiology01 03Pulmonology Diagnosticย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Radiology/ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Radiology/ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Interventional Radiology
YUrology Total01 46Urologyย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  _____
ย ย 

NOTE: (i) In addition, any other equivalent qualification in relevant speciality recognized by PMDC. (ii) Candidates must clearly indicate in their application form the category (A) to (Y) for which they apply. Separate online application and separate fee be paid for each category.


(i) MBBS or equivalent qualification recognized/ registered by the PMDC or M.Sc. from a recognized University in case of Basic Science subjects in the relevant subject (for Non-Medical Graduates). (ii) Postgraduate qualification such as FCPS/ M.S/M.D in the respective subject or equivalent qualifications recognized/ registered by the PMDC. EXPERIENCE: Five years teaching or practical experience in the relevant speciality before or after postgraduate -qualification.1 ST PREFERENCE: Teaching experience. 2N1D PREFERENCE: Practical experience after postgraduate qualification. 3RD PREFERENCE: Practical experience before postgraduate qualification. NOTE: Credit shall be given to the original published research work in Standard Medical Journal. AGE LIMIT: 25-35 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. NUMBER OF VACANCIESโ€”FIFTY TWO (52). DOMICILE/QUOTA: Merit=Three, Punjab=Twenty Five (Open Merit=Twenty One, Women quota=Three & Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota=One), Sindh (Rural) =Seven (Open Merit=Five, Women quota=One & Minorities/ Non-Muslims quotaโ€”One), Sindh (Urban) (Open Merit)-Four, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Seven (Open Meritโ€”Six & Women quota=One), Balochistan (Open Merit)=Two, Ex-FATA (Open Merit)=Two, GB (Open Merit)=One and AJK (Open Merit)=One. PLACE OF POSTING: Islamabad.

Categories are as follows:-

Sr. No.CategoriesNo.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  of VacanciesRespectiveย ย ย ย ย ย  Subjects/ย ย ย ย ย  Specialtiesย ย ย ย ย ย  ofย ย ย  Postย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Graduate Qualifications Anesthesia
iiBurn Surgery01Plastic Surgery
inCardiac Surgery01Cardiac Surgery
ivCardiology02Cardiology/ Interventional Cardiologyย  Critical Care Medicine
vCritical Care Medicine01
viDental Surgery02Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery/ Paeds Dentistry/ Operative Dentistry
viiDermatology01Dermatology ย ENT
ixEmergency Medicine02Emergency Medicine
xiGeneral Medicine04Medicine/ Internal Medicine
xiiGeneral Surgeryย  Infectious Disease04 ย 01General Surgery/ Surgeryย  Infectious Disease
xivNeonatology01Neonatology ย Nephrology
xviiiObstetricsย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  & Gynecology07Obstetrics & Gynecology/ Gynae
xxOrthopedic03Orthopedic/ Orthopedic Surgery
xxiPaeds Medicine03Paeds Medicine
xxiiPaeds Oncology Paeds Surgery01 02Paeds Oncology/ Paediatric Hematology Oncology Paediatric Surgery/ Paeds Surgery
xxivPathology01Hematology/ Histopathology/ Pathology/ Micro Biology
xxvPlastic Surgery01Plastic Surgery
xxviiiRadiology01Diagnostic Radiology/ Radiology/ Interventional Radiology
xxxUrology01 52Urology

NOTE: (i) In addition, any other equivalent qualification in relevant specialty recognized by PMDC. (ii) Candidates must clearly indicate in their application form the category (i) to (xxx) for which they apply. Separate online application and separate fee be paid for each category


1.Observance of General Instructions:
In all cases eligibility of the candidates shall be determined as per Commissionโ€™s policy laid down in General Instructions displayed at FPSCโ€™s Website. Candidates are advised to go through the said General Instructions to update themselves before applying.
2.Procedure to apply:
(i) All applications must be submitted online through FPSCโ€™s website www.fpsc.gov.pk.
Candidates may edit on-line applications only once within the closing date in order to rectify any error/ omission etc.Information claimed in on-line application form will be treated as final.Subsequent claims of experience, earlier not given in on-line form, are considered afterthought and an attempt to become eligible. Such subsequent claims shall not be accepted.Detailed General Instructions/ guidelines to apply online are available on the website.No hardcopy of online application is required from the applicants.No manual application will be accepted for General Recruitment cases. Only online applications will be processed and admitted on or before the cut-off date as announced for respective case.
ย Application Fee: (Applicable to those who have not earlier submitted fee against Advertisement
No. 11/2023). The rate of fee for various posts is:- BS-16 toย  17 = Rs. 300/- ; BS 18= Rs. 750!- ; BS-19 =- Rs.
1200/- ; BS-20 and above= Rs. 1500/-The fee may be deposited on or before the closing date in the nearest Government treasury or in a branch of National Bank of Pakistan or in a State treasury authorized to transact business on behalf of Government under head โ€œCO2101-ORGANS OF STATE EXAiV1INATION FEE
REALIZED BY FPSCโ€. Bank draft / Cheque/ Postal Order is not acceptable
Original T.R may be preserved and provided to the supervisory staff at the time of test/ examination at the Center given in Admission Certificates. Photocopy or Bank Scroll is not acceptable.T.R may not be sent to FPSC in advance but provided at the time of test/ exam or when asked for.
4Relaxation in Upper Age Limit:
Maximum age limit as prescribed under the Recruitment Rules shall be relaxed in pursuance of initial Appointment to Civil Posts (Relaxation of Upper Age Limit) Rules, 1993 (as amended from time to time). The detail is given at para-6 of General Instructions available at FPSCโ€™s website www.fpsc.gov.plc
Shortlisting criteria for interview:
The candidates will be shortlisted for interview as per policy of the Commission contained in para -16 (A, B&C) of General Instructions.
6.Documents required from the candidates:
(i) After the test/ exam, on the basis of results, the candidates who are on higher merit positions in respective quota would be asked to furnish the attested copies of requisite documents viz: two photographs, Matric, Intermediate certificates, Bachelorโ€™s, Masterโ€™s, NI.Phil, Ph.D Degrees, CNIC, Experience Certificate (where required) showing nature of job/ detailed job description issued by an authorized officer of the Ministry/Division/Department concerned, Domicile Certificate, Departmental Permission Certificate (in case of government servant) as well as Original TR (in non-test cases) etc. within 15 days of the Notice from FPSC by post, SKIS
and E-mail.
Wherever an equivalence of theย ย  required degree is to be claimedย ย ย  by a candidate, an equivalence certificate issued by HEC / relevant forumย ย ย  may be furnished toย ย  FPSC to
authenticate the claim. Experience from Firms/ Companies/ Institutions/ Organizations/ Banks/ NGOs etc., will be
accepted if these are well known nationally or internationally, have appropriately been registered/ incorporated with concerned government department/ institution for doing business, maintain office (s) and have proper registration number/ Reference number, where applicable.The candidates who fail to furnish the requisite documents within stipulated time or furnish
incorrect incomplete information, their candidature shall be liable to rejection. Therefore,
they are advised to keep their documents ready for submission to FPSC by the due date. From requisition of documents it should not be presumed that the candidate has been shortlisted for interview as his/her eligibility is to be determined in view of documents and merit position.
7.Eligibility of the candidates in all respects shall be reckoned upto the closing date.
8.Admission Certificate:
Admission Certificate for Screening/ Descriptive Test for the respective posts, as may be applicable,
will be placed on the website of FPSC i.e. www.fpsc.gov.pk couple of weeks before the actual date of
examination. Candidates are advised to frequently visit this website for the updates. They will be intimated through SMS as well. However, no information in this regard shall be sent through post.
9.Conduct of Test:
it will be mandatory for the candidates to bring original CNIC, Treasuryย ย ย ย  Receipt and
downloaded copy of Admission Certificate at the time of Screening/ Written Test.Without original Treasury Receipt candidates would not be allowed entry in the Examination Hall. Photocopy of T.R/ Bank Scroll would not be accepted. Candidates are advised to preserve the original T.R so as to avoid any inconvenience at the time of entry in the Examination Halls.Test/ Examination for Consolidated Advt. No. 13/2023 shall be held as early as possible after closing date.
10.Change of Centre: Candidates are allowed to avail facility for change of Examination Centre, through
on-line request at least 1โ€“Month before commencement of examination.
11.Closing Date for submission of applications is Monday, 04 December, 2023.

Federal Public Service Commission FPSC Jobs November 2023

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