Join Pak Army As Commissioned Officer 2016 Through 36 Graduate Course
Join Pak Army As Commissioned Officer 2016 Through 36 Graduate Course: Pakistan Army offers Short Service Commission for Session 2016 and online registration is for you to join Pak Army as Commissioned in SSC course.
Eligibility Conditions
- Corps of Engineers (Engrs) BE in Civil Engineering
- Corps of Signals (Sigs) BE in Telecom and Software
- Corps of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (EME) BE in Electrical (Less Power Engg), Mechanical, Mechatronics, Metallurgical, Avionics, Aerospace, Bio Medical and Computer

Common Features
- Minimum CGPA 2.5 out of 4 for candidates from institutions / universities having semester system or minimum 62.5% marks only for those candidates studying from institutions/universities having annual system of examination.
- No 3rd Division / Grade D and only one 2nd Division/Grade C throughout the academic career.
- 4 years engineering degree in above mentioned disciplines is must, irrespective of MSc / MCS.
- Candidates only graduated from HEC/PEC recognized universities or foreign universities recognized by PEC.
- Candidates possessing MSc/MS degree and 2-3 years work experience will be given preference. A candidate with specific higher qualification is eligible, even if he is twice rejected by ISSB for PMA / Graduate Course or equivalent Naval / PAF Courses.
- Appearing candidates can also apply on “HOPE Certificates” duly issued by Head of the universities / institutions. However, such candidates must submit final degree / transcript by 10 September 2016, otherwise they will not be considered in final merit.
Verification of Degrees / Education Documents.
Candidates qualify prelim selection process at AS&RC level will require to attach copy of degrees / transcript duly verified by HEC alongwith application form. The candidates appearing on hope certificate will submit verified degree / transcript by HEC within seven days on announcement of their result.
Age. 28 Years on 1 November 2016.
Gender. Male
Marital Status. Married / Unmarried
Nationality. Male Citizens of Pakistan and domicile holders of Azad Kashmir / Gilgit – Baltistan. Upon final selection candidates with dual nationality will have to surrender nationalities other than Pakistani.
Physical Standards
Minimum Height – 5’ – 4” (162.5 cm)
Weight – As per Body Mass Index (BMI)
Ineligibility Conditions
- A candidate with specific higher qualification, who is rejected once by ISSB for PMA / Graduate Course or equivalent Naval / PAF Courses and once rejected for specific higher qualification entry, will not be eligible for third chance.
- Candidates permanently declared UNFIT by Appeal Medical Board (AMB).
- Candidates declared medically unfit due to Hepatitis B & C (AMB cannot be requested).
- Candidates declared unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital except those cleared by AMB.
- Candidates tested within four months (120 days) gap of previous appearance (For Not Recommended candidates).
- Candidates tested within one year validity period. (As validity of ISSB / GHQ / AHQ Sel board stands for one year).
- Candidates withdrawn from any Academy / Training Institution of Armed Forces on any ground.
- Candidates withdrawn from any bonded Armed Forces colleges / institutions on disciplinary grounds.
- Candidates dismissed / removed / debarred from Govt Services including Armed Forces.
- Candidates convicted in a Court of Law for an offence involving moral turpitude.
- Candidates who will temper his academic certificates, conceal or give wrong info to gain undue advantage, his candidature will be cancelled and declared permanently ineligible for all types of commission in the Armed Forces.
- Candidates who have not completed 4 years engineering degree in given disciplines irrespective of MSc / MCS.
Registration and Preliminary Selection Procedure. Candidates can register through Internet or by visiting Army Selection and Recruitment Centres (AS&RCs).Following procedure will be adopted.
Registration Through Internet. A candidate can register on website Date and time of test shall be intimated on internet, for which the individual should have an e-mail account. Candidates will report on exact.
Join Pak Army As Commissioned Officer 2016 Through 36 Graduate Course
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